Monthly Archives: September 2011

I’ll stand with arms high & heart abandoned


In awe.

In the last 24 hours I’ve experienced two extremes of God’s power in creation.

I write this sat in the garden with a glass of whisky toasting the birth of my 2nd son. Surrounded by a ‘bowl of stars’ (to quote Counting Crows) I’m once again blown away by the sheer size and magnificence of it all.

Last night I first held my son, and blown away by the intricate detail of it all. My son, who is smaller than a pillow, who’s stomach is the size of an acorn, who’s feet are smaller than my fingers. Truly small & perfectly formed.

God put the same amount of care, love & dedication in to both. The same level of detail into both.

He does the same with our lives. The big & the little. The incomprehensible and the minute detail. All looked after with the same level of care and attention.

So I’ll stand, with arms high & heart abandoned. In awe of the one who made it all.